
Share a memory...

Your memories and stories of David bring joy and laughter to our hearts in this difficult season of grief. We would love for you to share a special memory with us to allow our community of family and friends to heal and process this sudden and unexpected loss.

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In the fall of 1973 I joined the Grand Rapids Symphony. I played second violin until leaving for military service in January of 1975, becoming a military bandsman on the tuba. Most of my service was at Fort Sheridan, a tiny post north of Chicago. I got married to a bandsman named Bonnie and came back to Grand Rapids after I left the service. In 1979 I reauditioned for the GRS and also started working at Cascade Hills Country Club on the Grounds. I was well known there as the 'fiddler', 'Maestro', or 'Carl' (from the movie 'Caddyshack'). In 1988 I auditioned again for the GRS to win a full-time section violin position. That's a lot of years in there, folks!

David Wheeler



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100% of funds raised will be donated to Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp in honor of David Wheeler.

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